Tips for writing statement of purpose (SOP)
Most of the universities/Colleges requires SOP as part of application checklist to process application for admission. SOP should demonstrate the clear background, intention for undertaking the course and reason for choosing particular provider of that destination.
Universities/college considers SOP as an important document while granting admission. So students should be careful while writing SOP.
Some major aspect is described below to write SOP.
1) Background/Introduction: Applicants should be able to demonstrate his/her introduction clearly on SOP. It should include personal details like, credentials, education, experiences, Test scores, and any achievements.
2) Career Objective: The applicant should be able to clearly state his/her career objective on SOP. It’s very important part in SOP. It is important aspect to judge the applicant’s intention for getting admission in requested subject of study.
3) Explanation for course/s selection: The applicant should be able to demonstrate ability to study chosen course/s and reason for choosing particular course. He/she should be able to analyze and express the impact and value of selected course in future career.
4) Reason for choosing particular provider and destination: Applicant must be able demonstrate the reason for choosing particular institution and country for study. He/she should know about the overall position of the provider and how it will be beneficial to him/her for selecting that provider.
5) Post study plan: The applicant should be able to clearly demonstrate post study plan on SOP. Once the course will be completed what sort of changes that he can expect and what his direction he will head to. What will be value of the course for him to meet the objectives.
6) Conclusion: In this part applicant should summery of his/her SOP that he has written and should his/her final justification for selected course.